Hampshire| Farnborough
(area| town of residence)
Hampshire| Farnborough | Connectivity Profile with other area| town of residence
Edges of the corpus related to Hampshire| Farnborough (and densities)
Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Hampshire| Farnborough | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Hampshire| Farnborough
that are cited by the most nodes in Hampshire| Farnborough
Node name |
Inbound edges FROM Hampshire| Farnborough |
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Hampshire| Farnborough
that cite the most nodes in Hampshire| Farnborough
Node name |
Outbound edges TO Hampshire| Farnborough |
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Hampshire| Farnborough
that are cited by the most nodes in other area| town of residence
Node name |
Inbound edges FROM other area| town of residence |
http://kryuk.org/ |
1 |
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Hampshire| Farnborough
that cite the most nodes in other area| town of residence
Node name |
Outbound edges TO other area| town of residence |
http://kryuk.org/ |
8 |
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Hampshire| Farnborough
that are cited by the most nodes in Hampshire| Farnborough
Node name |
Inbound edges FROM Hampshire| Farnborough |
http://nepalbritain.com/ (none) |
1 |
http://nepalisandesh.com/ (peterborough) |
1 |
http://tamudhee.org.uk/ (none) |
1 |
http://nepalipatra.com/ (none) |
1 |
http://hknepal.com/ (none) |
1 |
http://dcnepal.com/ (washington) |
1 |
http://sunuwaruk.org/ (none) |
1 |
http://nepaljapan.com/ (tokyo) |
1 |
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Hampshire| Farnborough
that cite the most nodes in Hampshire| Farnborough
Node name |
Outbound edges TO Hampshire| Farnborough |
http://www.nepembassy.org.uk/ (london) |
1 |
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of number of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of creation date
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of type of association websites
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of political party
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of ethnic association
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of company website
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of media site
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of reference to the country of residence (yes|no) (in the name of the site)
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of reference to the country of origin
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of country of residence
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of pictures yes/no
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of films ou videos (yes/no)
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of magazine/newsletter/mailing list
Distribution relative to the corpus
Hampshire| Farnborough | Distribution of forum (yes|no)
Distribution relative to the corpus