e-Diasporas Atlas
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South Asian Leftist mobilisation
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3rd i california
act now for harmony and democracy (anhad)
ain o salish kendra (ask)
alliance for south asian aids prevention (asaap)
alliance of south asians taking action
american federation of muslims of indian origin (afmi)
anand pathwardhan
angry asian man
anil kalhan
asia pacific forum
asia pacific forum on women|law and development (apwld)
asian american network against abuse of human rights (anaa)
asian americans for obama '08
asian forum for human rights and development
asian human rights commission
asian nation
asian pacific americans for progress
association for communal harmony in asia (acha)
association for india's development (aid-india)
association of indian muslims of america
bangladesh human rights network
bay area solidarity summer (bass)
blogbharti: voices from the indian bloggosphere
centre for the study of society and secularism (csss)
citizens for peace
coalition against communalism
coalition against genocide
coalition of south asian peoples (csap)
communalism watch
coney island avenue project (ciap - nyc)
council of agencies serving south asians (cassa)
council of peoples organization
council on american-islamic relations
counselors helping (south) asian indians (chai)
counter currents
dc desi summer (dcds)
death ends fun
desi filter
desi people
desi rsising up and moving (drum)
down on the brown side
economic and political weekly
ekta: a south asian progressive network
erezwan: the 3rd world view
federation of indian american christian organizations of north america
forum of progressive artists (fopa)
free binayak sen campaign
friends of india (foi)
friends of south asia
gadar heritage foundation
gay asian and pacific islander men of new york (gapimny)
himal - south asian
india relief and education fund (iref)
india secular
indian american muslim council
indian christian forum
indian muslim relief and charity (imrc)
interfaith shaadi
international campaign for justice for bhopal (icjp)
international south asia forum (insaf)
international women's rights action watch asia pacific (iwraw)
leftist looney lunchbox
let india develop
liberal virus
little india
mai family services
manushi: a journal about women and society
national campaign for peoples' right to information (ncpri)
network of indian professionals (netip)
network of south asian professionals
new york taxi workers alliance (nyta)
nirali magazine
non-resident indians for a secular and harmonious india (nrisahi)
organizing youth! (oy!)
pass the roti on the left hand side|beta!
people union for democratic rights (pudr)
people's union for civil liberties (pucl)
pickled politics
plural india
prerna lal
progressive bengali network
rakesh sharma
rights working group
sakhi for south asian women
sangat south asia
satrang - southern california
say what?
sepia mutiny
sikh activist network
sikh american legal defence and education fund (saldef)
sikh youth vancouver (syv)
sneha|a network of women of south asian origin
south asia citizens web
south asia watch
south asian action and advocacy collective (saaac)
south asian american leading together
south asian american policy & research institute (saapri)
south asian bar association of washington|d.c. (saba-dc)
south asian collective
south asian concern
south asian forum
south asian forum for human rights (safhr)
south asian journalism association (saja)
south asian leftists dialoguing with religion (saldwr)
south asian lesbian & gay association of new york city (salga-nyc)
south asian magazine for action and reflection (samar)
south asian nerwork
south asian network for secularism and democracy
south asian philanthropy project
south asian progressive action collective (sapac)
south asian progressive alliance
south asian progressive collective
south asian rights
south asian women's creative collective (sawcc)
stop funding hate
the gay and lesbian vaishnava association (galva-108)
the hindutva movement
the langar hall
the mutinous mindset of the desi diaspora
the pluralism project at harvard university
the queer east
the sikh coalition - the voice of a people
the south asian
turban campaign
turning point
united sikhs
voices for freedom
world sindhi
youth solidarity