
Audience visee, for French Repatriates

(audience visee)
Harkis | Connectivity Profile with other audience visee
Edges of the corpus related to Harkis (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Harkis | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Harkis
that are cited by the most nodes in Harkis
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Harkis
http://harkis.com/ 5
http://harkis.info/ 4
http://monharki.com.over-blog.com/ 4
http://harkisetverite.info/ 4
http://coalition-harkis.com/ 3
http://harki.net/ 3
http://liberez-bellebou.com/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Harkis
that cite the most nodes in Harkis
Node name Outbound edges
TO Harkis
http://monharki.com.over-blog.com/ 6
http://harkis.info/ 5
http://harki.net/ 5
http://coalition-harkis.com/ 3
http://liberez-bellebou.com/ 3
http://harkis.com/ 2
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Harkis
that are cited by the most nodes in other audience visee
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other audience visee
http://harkis.info/ 24
http://harkis.com/ 13
http://coalition-harkis.com/ 8
http://monharki.com.over-blog.com/ 6
http://harki.net/ 3
http://liberez-bellebou.com/ 2
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Harkis
that cite the most nodes in other audience visee
Node name Outbound edges
TO other audience visee
http://coalition-harkis.com/ 12
http://harkis.info/ 11
http://harki.net/ 6
http://monharki.com.over-blog.com/ 5
http://liberez-bellebou.com/ 2
http://harkis.com/ 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Harkis
that are cited by the most nodes in Harkis
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Harkis
http://pagesperso-orange.fr/jeunepiednoir (Rapatries d'Algerie) 5
http://babelouedstory.com/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://notrejournal.info/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://lecri.net/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 2
http://oran1962.free.fr/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 2
http://clan-r.org/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 2
http://algerie-francaise.org/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 2
http://comite-veritas.com/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 1
http://alger-roi.fr/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 1
http://cerclealgerianiste-lyon.org/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Harkis
that cite the most nodes in Harkis
Node name Outbound edges
TO Harkis
http://de-gaulle.info/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://parachutiste.18.rcp.free.fr/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://algerie-francaise.org/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://fse.castanet.free.fr/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://oranhlmcitedesjardins.fr/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://popodoran.canalblog.com/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://miages-djebels.org/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 3
http://lecri.net/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 2
http://etudescoloniales.canalblog.com/ (Interesses par faits historiques) 2
http://cagrenoble.fr/ (Rapatries d'Algerie) 2
Harkis | Distribution of objectifs du site
Distribution relative to the corpus
Harkis | Distribution of categorie
Distribution relative to the corpus
Harkis | Distribution of langue
Distribution relative to the corpus
Harkis | Distribution of origine geographique des rapatries
Harkis | Distribution of type de rapatrie clarisse buono
Harkis | Distribution of activité affichée
Distribution relative to the corpus
Harkis | Distribution of echiquier_politique
Distribution relative to the corpus
Harkis | Distribution of activité affichée 2
Distribution relative to the corpus
Harkis | Distribution of pays mentionné
Distribution relative to the corpus
Harkis | Tags of lieux de souvenir mentionnes
Algerie (8)