
Orientation politique/activité associative, for Frontiers

orientation politique/activité associative

(orientation politique/activité associative)
Extreme-droite | Connectivity Profile with other orientation politique/activité associative
Edges of the corpus related to Extreme-droite (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Extreme-droite | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Extreme-droite
that are cited by the most nodes in Extreme-droite
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Extreme-droite
http://fdesouche.com/ 2
http://france-licratisee.hautetfort.com/ 1
http://francaisdefrance.wordpress.com/ 1
http://radio-courtoisie.over-blog.com/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Extreme-droite
that cite the most nodes in Extreme-droite
Node name Outbound edges
TO Extreme-droite
http://fdesouche.com/ 2
http://francaisdefrance.wordpress.com/ 2
http://radio-courtoisie.over-blog.com/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Extreme-droite
that are cited by the most nodes in other orientation politique/activité associative
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other orientation politique/activité associative
http://fdesouche.com/ 6
http://francaisdefrance.wordpress.com/ 3
http://france-licratisee.hautetfort.com/ 2
http://radio-courtoisie.over-blog.com/ 2
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Extreme-droite
that cite the most nodes in other orientation politique/activité associative
Node name Outbound edges
TO other orientation politique/activité associative
http://francaisdefrance.wordpress.com/ 15
http://france-licratisee.hautetfort.com/ 5
http://fdesouche.com/ 5
http://radio-courtoisie.over-blog.com/ 4
http://garciablasquez.unblog.fr/ 4
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Extreme-droite
that are cited by the most nodes in Extreme-droite
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Extreme-droite
http://assemblee-nationale.fr/ (Assemblee nationale) 4
http://senat.fr/ (Senat) 3
http://crif.org/ (Juif) 3
http://gouvernement.fr/ (Gouvernement) 2
http://juif.org/ (Sionisme) 2
http://lesmanantsduroi.com/ (Monarchiste) 2
http://lemil.org/ (UMP) 1
http://ldh-toulon.net/ (LDH) 1
http://memorialdelashoah.org/ (Juif) 1
http://notredamedekabylie.net/ (Catholique) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Extreme-droite
that cite the most nodes in Extreme-droite
Node name Outbound edges
TO Extreme-droite
http://dessins.de.konk.free.fr/ (Front national) 3
http://blog.lefigaro.fr/rioufol (Droite) 3
http://voxfnredekker.canalblog.com/ (Front national) 2
http://sitajoeblack.wordpress.com/ (Catholique) 2
http://notredamedekabylie.net/ (Catholique) 1
http://afprovence.hautetfort.com/ (Action francaise) 1
http://fncv.com/ (Volontaires) 1
Extreme-droite | Distribution of type de site
Distribution relative to the corpus
Extreme-droite | Distribution of représentation
Distribution relative to the corpus
Extreme-droite | Distribution of origine géographique
Distribution relative to the corpus
Extreme-droite | Distribution of Site/Blog
Distribution relative to the corpus