
Themes, for Uyghurs

Divers | Connectivity Profile with other themes
Edges of the corpus related to Divers (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Divers | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Divers
that are cited by the most nodes in Divers
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Divers
http://basbas.cn/ 8
http://dolanlik.com/ 6
http://bbs.misranim.com/ 6
http://okyan.com/ 6
http://iz.la/ 5
http://ilqut.com/ 5
http://uyghurbeg.net/ 4
http://kangsay.com/ 4
http://elyurt.com/ 4
http://bilqut.com/ 3
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Divers
that cite the most nodes in Divers
Node name Outbound edges
TO Divers
http://iz.la/ 12
http://dolanlik.com/ 9
http://bilim.rohlan.biz/ 9
http://ilqut.com/ 7
http://okyan.com/ 7
http://sanam.cn/ 6
http://koknur.com/ 5
http://uyghurbeg.net/ 5
http://bbs.misranim.com/ 3
http://warislar.com/ 3
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Divers
that are cited by the most nodes in other themes
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other themes
http://bizning.blogbus.com/ 16
http://taklimakan.blogbus.com/ 15
http://iplas.blogbus.com/ 12
http://bilqut.com/ 10
http://basbas.cn/ 9
http://uyghurbeg.net/ 9
http://uyghurlar.blogbus.com/ 8
http://kangsay.com/ 8
http://ilqut.com/ 8
http://iz.la/ 7
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Divers
that cite the most nodes in other themes
Node name Outbound edges
TO other themes
http://okyan.com/ 32
http://iz.la/ 16
http://kurkumguli.blogbus.com/ 15
http://bizning.blogbus.com/ 14
http://dolanlik.com/ 13
http://uyghurbeg.net/ 13
http://bilim.rohlan.biz/ 10
http://uyghurclub.com/ 9
http://ilqut.com/ 7
http://ko.comxa.com/ 6
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Divers
that are cited by the most nodes in Divers
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Divers
http://nurqut.com/ (Computer) 10
http://izdax.cn/ (Directory) 9
http://ukij.org/ (Computer) 9
http://www.xjedu.gov.cn/ (Education) 7
http://seburi.com/ (Search engine) 7
http://xjtsnews.com/ (News) 6
http://bilimlar.com/ (Education) 5
http://baydadam.blogbus.com/ (Commercial) 5
http://ug.wordpress.org/ (Project) 4
http://lreanturkish.blogbus.com/ (Language) 4
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Divers
that cite the most nodes in Divers
Node name Outbound edges
TO Divers
http://yol.la/ (Search engine) 20
http://izdax.cn/ (Directory) 15
http://koznak.blogbus.com/ (Directory) 14
http://jeck.blogbus.com/ (Education) 9
http://xj908.cn/ (Directory) 8
http://seburi.com/ (Search engine) 7
http://uytaam.blogbus.com/ (Cuisine) 6
http://ilikyurt.net/ (Commercial) 6
http://bilimlar.com/ (Education) 5
http://baydadam.blogbus.com/ (Commercial) 5
Divers | Distribution of geolocation
Distribution relative to the corpus
Divers | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
Divers | Distribution of frequency
Distribution relative to the corpus
Divers | Distribution of organizational type
Distribution relative to the corpus
Divers | Distribution of country
Distribution relative to the corpus
Divers | Distribution of group blog
Distribution relative to the corpus