Number of languages, for Bretons

(number of languages)
1 | Connectivity Profile with other number of languages
Edges of the corpus related to 1 (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
1 | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside 1
that are cited by the most nodes in 1
Node name Inbound edges
http://bretonsdumonde.org/ 8
http://bzhnetwork.com/ 6
http://parisbreton.org/ 6
http://rbso.free.fr/ 5
http://zhongbreizh.wordpress.com/ 5
http://institut-locarn.com/ 5
http://amicale.bretons.free.fr/ 4
http://welcome.to/bretons.ca 4
http://breizh.de/ 4
http://breizh-korsika.com/ 4
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside 1
that cite the most nodes in 1
Node name Outbound edges
TO 1
http://breizh-korsika.com/ 23
http://bretonsdumonde.org/ 10
http://parisbreton.org/ 10
http://tybreizh47.free.fr/ 7
http://bretonsdespagne.wordpress.com/ 6
http://bretons-charente.org/ 5
http://breizh.de/ 4
http://rbso.free.fr/ 4
http://icdbl.org/saozg 4
http://bzhnetwork.com/ 3
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside 1
that are cited by the most nodes in other number of languages
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other number of languages
http://bzhnetwork.com/ 3
http://parisbreton.org/ 3
http://bretonsdumonde.org/ 2
http://kershanghai.canalblog.com/ 1
http://bretonsdespagne.wordpress.com/ 1
http://welcome.to/bretons.ca 1
http://breizh.de/ 1
http://bzhnetwork.wordpress.com/ 1
http://suisse.gwalarn.org/ 1
http://breizh-korsika.com/ 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside 1
that cite the most nodes in other number of languages
Node name Outbound edges
TO other number of languages
http://bretonsdumonde.org/ 7
http://breizh-korsika.com/ 6
http://parisbreton.org/ 6
http://icdbl.org/saozg 3
http://bretagne-accueil.com/ 2
http://breizh.de/ 2
http://bzhnetwork.wordpress.com/ 2
http://amicale.bretons.free.fr/ 1
http://celtesla.free.fr/ 1
http://bretonsdespagne.wordpress.com/ 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside 1
that are cited by the most nodes in 1
Node name Inbound edges
http://breizhenoc.org/ (6) 8
http://diwanparis.free.fr/ (2) 7
http://bzh-ny.org/ (3) 5
http://breizheire.com/ (2) 4
http://antourtan.com/ (2) 4
http://bretonsdebelgique.be/ (6) 3
http://abban.de/ (2) 2
http://startup-club.fr/ (2) 2
http://bretonsdujapon.com/ (3) 2
http://www.dombretanii.org.pl/ (2) 2
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside 1
that cite the most nodes in 1
Node name Outbound edges
TO 1
http://bzh-ny.org/ (3) 4
http://breizh-izelvroiou.com/ (2) 3
http://abban.de/ (2) 3
http://bretonsdebelgique.be/ (6) 3
http://startup-club.fr/ (2) 2
http://diwanparis.free.fr/ (2) 2
http://bretonsdujapon.com/ (3) 2
http://breizhparasiempre.jimdo.com/ (2) 1
1 | Distribution of category
Distribution relative to the corpus
1 | Tags of sub-category
culture (32) social (20) business (6) Media (1) community (1) development (1) literature (1) music (1) politic (1) social  (1) social network (1)
1 | Distribution of languages
Distribution relative to the corpus
1 | Distribution of main language
Distribution relative to the corpus
1 | Distribution of interaction
Distribution relative to the corpus
1 | Distribution of addressee user
Distribution relative to the corpus
1 | Distribution of localisation user
Distribution relative to the corpus
1 | Distribution of type collectif
Distribution relative to the corpus