
Group Language, for Macedonian

(Group Language)
Bulgarian | Connectivity Profile with other Group Language
Edges of the corpus related to Bulgarian (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Bulgarian | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Bulgarian
that are cited by the most nodes in Bulgarian
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Bulgarian
http://government.bg/ 12
http://makedonskatribuna.com/ 7
http://novinite.com/ 7
http://www.aba.government.bg/ 7
http://macedoniainfo.com/ 7
http://macedonia-science.org/ 6
http://promacedonia.org/ 6
http://kroraina.com/ 5
http://bnt.bg/ 4
http://macedonia-news.blogspot.com/ 3
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Bulgarian
that cite the most nodes in Bulgarian
Node name Outbound edges
TO Bulgarian
http://promacedonia.org/ 9
http://kroraina.com/ 9
http://freemacedonia.net/ 8
http://makedonskatribuna.com/ 7
http://macedonia-history.blogspot.com/ 7
http://bkks.org/ 6
http://bugarash.blog.mk/ 6
http://macedoniainfo.com/ 5
http://bgusworld.com/ 4
http://www.webhousing.biz/~bulgaria/ 4
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Bulgarian
that are cited by the most nodes in other Group Language
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other Group Language
http://novinite.com/ 7
http://government.bg/ 5
http://promacedonia.org/ 5
http://macedoniainfo.com/ 4
http://mfa.bg/ 3
http://bkks.org/ 2
http://kroraina.com/ 2
http://bnt.bg/ 1
http://www.webhousing.biz/~bulgaria/ 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Bulgarian
that cite the most nodes in other Group Language
Node name Outbound edges
TO other Group Language
http://macedonia-history.blogspot.com/ 61
http://promacedonia.org/ 30
http://kroraina.com/ 30
http://bkks.org/ 19
http://macedonia-news.blogspot.com/ 16
http://bugarash.blog.mk/ 15
http://makedonskatribuna.com/ 11
http://freemacedonia.net/ 11
http://macedoniainfo.com/ 10
http://mfa.bg/ 5
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Bulgarian
that are cited by the most nodes in Bulgarian
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Bulgarian
http://www.dnevnik.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 9
http://www.vreme.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 9
http://www.novamakedonija.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 9
http://www.a1.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 7
http://www.utrinski.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 7
http://www.vest.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 6
http://www.utrinskivesnik.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 6
http://www.kanal5.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 6
http://www.mia.com.mk/ (Macedonian and Albanian) 6
http://florina.org/ (Greek and Macedonian) 5
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Bulgarian
that cite the most nodes in Bulgarian
Node name Outbound edges
TO Bulgarian
http://balkanalysis.com/ (Other) 3
http://agema-makedonin.blogspot.com/ (Other) 3
http://republic-of-macedonia.jimdo.com/ (Macedonian) 3
http://racviac.org/ (No dominant language) 2
http://macedonianspark.com/ (Macedonian) 2
http://volanskopje.blogspot.com/ (Macedonian) 2
http://makedonskaiskra.com/ (Macedonian) 1
http://rcc.int/ (Other) 1
http://coe.int/ (No dominant language) 1
http://omoilindenpirin.org/ (Macedonian and Bulgarian) 1
Bulgarian | Distribution of Group Type of Actor
Distribution relative to the corpus
Bulgarian | Distribution of Group Geography
Distribution relative to the corpus