
Group Language, for Macedonian

(Group Language)
Other | Connectivity Profile with other Group Language
Edges of the corpus related to Other (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Other | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Other
that are cited by the most nodes in Other
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Other
http://state.gov/ 11
http://cnn.com/ 9
http://investinmacedonia.com/ 9
http://exploringmacedonia.com/ 8
http://www.vic.gov.au/ 8
http://macedonia.org/ 7
http://www.nt.gov.au/ 6
http://www.australia.gov.au/ 6
http://www.sa.gov.au/ 6
http://www.aph.gov.au/ 6
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Other
that cite the most nodes in Other
Node name Outbound edges
TO Other
http://humanrights.gov.au/ 10
http://www.australia.gov.au/ 8
http://www.act.gov.au/ 8
http://macedonia-timeless.com/ 7
http://macedonia.usembassy.gov/ 7
http://www.aph.gov.au/ 7
http://balkanology.com/ 7
http://pollitecon.com/ 6
http://macedonia.org/ 6
http://www.qld.gov.au/ 6
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Other
that are cited by the most nodes in other Group Language
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other Group Language
http://state.gov/ 37
http://investinmacedonia.com/ 31
http://macedonia.org/ 30
http://vmacedonia.com/ 27
http://exploringmacedonia.com/ 27
http://voanews.com/ 26
http://pollitecon.com/ 24
http://cnn.com/ 20
http://makedonika.org/ 19
http://lerin.ca/ 18
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Other
that cite the most nodes in other Group Language
Node name Outbound edges
TO other Group Language
http://balkanalysis.com/ 60
http://macedonia.org/ 48
http://www.macedonianembassy.org.uk/ 39
http://macedonia-timeless.com/ 38
http://macedonia.usembassy.gov/ 35
http://balkanika-publishing.com.mk/ 27
http://turkeymacedonia.wordpress.com/ 27
http://pollitecon.com/ 26
http://agema-makedonin.blogspot.com/ 18
http://bbgm.co.uk/ 17
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Other
that are cited by the most nodes in Other
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Other
http://www.mia.com.mk/ (Macedonian and Albanian) 13
http://www.economy.gov.mk/ (Macedonian and Albanian) 12
http://www.mfa.gov.mk/ (Macedonian) 11
http://un.org/ (No dominant language) 10
http://www.soros.org.mk/ (Macedonian) 10
http://maknews.com/ (Macedonian) 10
http://www.dnevnik.com.mk/ (Macedonian) 10
http://www.finance.gov.mk/ (Macedonian) 10
http://www.culture.in.mk/ (Macedonian) 9
http://www.stat.gov.mk/ (Macedonian) 9
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Other
that cite the most nodes in Other
Node name Outbound edges
TO Other
http://maknews.com/ (Macedonian) 14
http://canka.de/ (Macedonian) 10
http://pelagon.de/ (Macedonian) 8
http://mhrmi.org/ (Macedonian) 8
http://macedonia-history.blogspot.com/ (Bulgarian) 8
http://makedonija.info/ (Macedonian) 8
http://razvigormk.blogspot.com/ (Macedonian) 8
http://macedoniansinalbania.org/ (Macedonian) 7
http://vinozito.org/ (Greek and Macedonian) 7
http://omoilindenpirin.org/ (Macedonian and Bulgarian) 7
Other | Distribution of Group Type of Actor
Distribution relative to the corpus
Other | Distribution of Group Geography
Distribution relative to the corpus