
Publisher type, for Reunionese

publisher type

(publisher type)
association | Connectivity Profile with other publisher type
Edges of the corpus related to association (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
association | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside association
that are cited by the most nodes in association
Node name Inbound edges
FROM association
Réunion-Québec 2
runmusik 2
Moringue do Fé 2
Amicale réunionnaise de Poitiers 2
Chat Réunion 1
Comité d'Action Sociale Dom 1
Club Export 1
Cercle des Amitiés Créoles de La Creuse 1
Info de l'Ile de La Réunion 1
Association des étudiants Réunionnais de Paris 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside association
that cite the most nodes in association
Node name Outbound edges
TO association
Chat Réunion 2
Kabar 2
Aparksa 2
Réunion-Québec 1
Volcré 1
Sistas créoles 1
Jeune Chambre Economique Réunion 1
Créole un jour créole toujours 1
Info de l'Ile de La Réunion 1
Association réunionnaise Maïdo 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside association
that are cited by the most nodes in other publisher type
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other publisher type
Chat Réunion 6
Réunion de Kulturen 3
Editions K'A 3
Réunion-Québec 3
runmusik 3
Club Export 3
Bleu Réunion. Cultures et Musiques 3
Volcré 2
Ti Paille en Queue 2
Association réunionnaise Saint-Denis 93 2
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside association
that cite the most nodes in other publisher type
Node name Outbound edges
TO other publisher type
Chat Réunion 5
Info de l'Ile de La Réunion 5
Editions K'A 4
Association réunionnaise à Bordeaux 3
Ti Paille en Queue 3
Reunionnais et Réunionnaises de Toulouse 3
Moringue do Fé 3
Kabar 3
Réunion de Kulturen 2
Réunion-Québec 2
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside association
that are cited by the most nodes in association
Node name Inbound edges
FROM association
Réunionnais du Monde (company) 22 (personnal) 5
Colipays (company) 3
La boutique de La Réunion (company) 3
Indes réunionnaises (personnal) 2
We'réunion (institution) 2
Cuisine réunionnaise (personnal) 2 (company) 2
974 Reprezente (personnal) 2
Réunion Belgique forum des Réunionnais de Belgik (personnal) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside association
that cite the most nodes in association
Node name Outbound edges
TO association
Réunionnais du Monde (company) 14
We'réunion (institution) 4
La boutique de La Réunion (company) 3
L'ile de La Réunion sur Internet (personnal) 3
Indes réunionnaises (personnal) 2
Cuisine réunionnaise (personnal) 2
Lansiv Kréol (personnal) 2
Insel-Réunion (personnal) 2
Thierry Grondin DJ (personnal) 2
Blog 974 (personnal) 2
association | Distribution of geoographic localisation (area)
association | Tags of geographic localisation (sub area)
75 (3) 92 (3) 23 (2) 31 (2) 33 (2) 59 (2) 67 (2) 93 (2) canada (2) 25 (1) 38 (1) 48 (1) 57 (1) 66 (1) 69 (1) 77 (1) 78 (1) 90 (1) germany (1) tahiti (1)
association | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
association | Distribution of main activity
Distribution relative to the corpus
association | Distribution of sub activity
Distribution relative to the corpus
association | Distribution of public
Distribution relative to the corpus
association | Distribution of designation
Distribution relative to the corpus

Sub-corpus as a list