
Sex, for Morocco Facebook Graph

male | Connectivity Profile with other sex
Edges of the corpus related to male (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
male | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside male
that are cited by the most nodes in male
Node name Inbound edges
FROM male
Hicham Elmaziati 27
Abid Bensouda 25
Mly Younes Saidi 23
Reda El Haddaj 23
Fouad Fakih 23
Khalid Bouraqqadi 22
Reda Harradi 21
Anas Bensaoud 21
Amine Rmili 19
Yasser Souate 19
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside male
that cite the most nodes in male
Node name Outbound edges
TO male
Jean Jack Hassan 61
Anouar El Bekkali 60
Ali Abdellaoui 44
Amine Karim 43
Hicham Elmaziati 42
Ayoub Chtioui 40
Mehdi Louiza 39
Amine Adonis 37
Khalid Bouraqqadi 37
Hamza Rakbi 36
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside male
that are cited by the most nodes in other sex
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other sex
Hicham Elmaziati 19
Khalid Bouraqqadi 18
Reda El Hassani 18
Mly Younes Saidi 17
Yasser Souate 16
Essabbane Omar 14
Ali Abdellaoui 13
Ghandour Omar 13
Amine Rmili 12
Hamza Rakbi 11
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside male
that cite the most nodes in other sex
Node name Outbound edges
TO other sex
Ali Abdellaoui 32
Allan Riza Sari 22
Simo Rgb 18
George Diamantis 18
El Mehdi Mellij 18
Youssef Stoun 17
Hamza Rakbi 16
Hicham Elmaziati 16
Khalid Bouraqqadi 16
Hicham Abdoullah 16
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside male
that are cited by the most nodes in male
Node name Inbound edges
FROM male
Lahbabi Yousra (female) 19
Loubna Bouzibouzy (female) 18
Omnia Benmansour (female) 17
Sofia Sbay (female) 15
Nihad Elharch (female) 15
Silvia Franceschetti (female) 14
Sophie Loca (female) 14
Zineb Bouayad (female) 13
Amine Bern (unknown) 13
Jessy Irina Lattanzi (female) 12
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside male
that cite the most nodes in male
Node name Outbound edges
TO male
Alaoui Mdarhri Khaoula (female) 28
Warda Douhari (female) 26
Kaoutar Tahri Joutey (female) 25
Yousra Sqalli (female) 24
Karima Naour (female) 23
Sara Eg (female) 22
Meryem Ejim (female) 21
Mariam Sajid (female) 21
Soukaïna Chems-Eddine (female) 17
Hanane El Wassia (female) 17
male | Distribution of country
Distribution relative to the corpus

Sub-corpus as a list