United States

Country, for Morocco Facebook Graph

United States
United States | Connectivity Profile with other country
Edges of the corpus related to United States (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
United States | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside United States
that are cited by the most nodes in United States
Node name Inbound edges
FROM United States
Omar Casey Koutouby 1
Zina F Al 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside United States
that cite the most nodes in United States
Node name Outbound edges
TO United States
Sara A. F. 1
Lhoucine Boussalem 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside United States
that are cited by the most nodes in other country
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other country
Omar Casey Koutouby 24
Lhoucine Boussalem 18
Fouad Hammouni 9
Otmane Bouchareb 7
Amine El Maziati 5
Yannick Grodzki 4
Aziz Laaguidi 4
Zina F Al 2
Sara A. F. 1
Younes Amar 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside United States
that cite the most nodes in other country
Node name Outbound edges
TO other country
Fouad Hammouni 26
Lhoucine Boussalem 22
Omar Casey Koutouby 11
Sarah Soliman 2
Younes Amar 2
Sara A. F. 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside United States
that are cited by the most nodes in United States
Node name Inbound edges
FROM United States
Mly Younes Saidi (unknown) 2
Hicham Psychadiction (Morocco) 2
Fouad Fakih (unknown) 2
Brahim Benyahia (France) 2
Abid Bensouda (Germany) 2
Michelle Carrier (unknown) 1
Nabil Oumimoun (unknown) 1
Soufiane Amar (France) 1
Saad Sdk (France) 1
Mehdi Belarbi (Canada) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside United States
that cite the most nodes in United States
Node name Outbound edges
TO United States
Nabil Oumimoun (unknown) 3
Hicham Elmaziati (Canada) 3
Khalid Bouraqqadi (Morocco) 3
Wima Gue (unknown) 2
Anouar El Bekkali (Morocco) 2
Ayoub Chtioui (Morocco) 2
Mehdi Louiza (Morocco) 2
Jean Jack Hassan (unknown) 2
Yassine Oz (Morocco) 2
Amine Karim (unknown) 2
United States | Distribution of sex
Distribution relative to the corpus