expanded communities

General/expanded communities, for Hmong - Expanded & Corpus

general/expanded communities

expanded communities
expanded communities
(general/expanded communities)
expanded communities | Connectivity Profile with other general/expanded communities
Edges of the corpus related to expanded communities (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
expanded communities | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside expanded communities
that are cited by the most nodes in expanded communities
Node name Inbound edges
FROM expanded communities
http://ca.gov/ 5
http://cdc.gov/ 2
http://state.wi.us/ 2
http://calstate.edu/ 2
http://csumentor.edu/ 1
http://mrac.org/ 1
http://febc.org/ 1
http://nytimes.com/ 1
http://febc.org.au/ 1
http://tcaging.org/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside expanded communities
that cite the most nodes in expanded communities
Node name Outbound edges
TO expanded communities
http://wphca.org/ 3
http://csumentor.edu/ 2
http://hnubqub.blogspot.com/ 2
http://calstate.edu/ 2
http://febc.ph/ 2
http://voanews.com/ 1
http://mrac.org/ 1
http://febc.org/ 1
http://fresnobee.com/ 1
http://ca.gov/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside expanded communities
that are cited by the most nodes in other general/expanded communities
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other general/expanded communities
http://fresnobee.com/ 8
http://cdc.gov/ 6
http://nationmultimedia.com/ 6
http://voanews.com/ 5
http://nytimes.com/ 5
http://cnn.com/ 5
http://ca.gov/ 4
http://spps.org/ 4
http://bangkokpost.com/ 4
http://state.wi.us/ 3
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside expanded communities
that cite the most nodes in other general/expanded communities
Node name Outbound edges
TO other general/expanded communities
http://hnubqub.blogspot.com/ 3
http://focol.org/ 2
http://mnwomen.org/ 2
http://ottobremer.org/ 1
http://febc.org/ 1
http://uniyatra.com/ 1
http://artslabonline.org/ 1
http://sealitblog.wordpress.com/ 1
http://enfantsdumekong.com/ 1
http://vietnamesestudies.org/ 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside expanded communities
that are cited by the most nodes in expanded communities
Node name Inbound edges
FROM expanded communities
http://hmongradiofebc.com/ (general) 2
http://laofamily.org/ (general) 2
http://aboutchat.org/ (general) 2
http://hmonghealth.org/ (general) 2
http://banhmong.com/ (general) 1
http://nconcokoj.com/ (general) 1
http://hmongwomenachieve.org/ (general) 1
http://christianhmong.com/ (general) 1
http://hmongstudies.org/ (general) 1
http://hmongnewyearusa.jimdo.com/ (general) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside expanded communities
that cite the most nodes in expanded communities
Node name Outbound edges
TO expanded communities
http://hndinc.org/ (general) 8
http://hmongcontemporaryissues.com/ (general) 6
http://hmongstudies.org/ (general) 5
http://uhasie.org/ (general) 4
http://factfinding.org/ (general) 3
http://h-lr.com/ (general) 3
http://hmongradiofebc.com/ (general) 3
http://en.tojsiab.com/ (general) 3
http://www.shrdo.com/ (general) 3
http://hmongcoloradoradio.org/ (general) 3
expanded communities | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
expanded communities | Distribution of type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
expanded communities | Distribution of number of languages
Distribution relative to the corpus
expanded communities | Distribution of country of residence
Distribution relative to the corpus
expanded communities | Distribution of reference to the diaspora
Distribution relative to the corpus