Number of languages, for Hmong - Business & Corpus

(number of languages)
2 | Connectivity Profile with other number of languages
Edges of the corpus related to 2 (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
2 | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside 2
that are cited by the most nodes in 2
Node name Inbound edges
http://hmongrpa.org/ 2
http://hmongdistrict.org/ 2
http://suabxaamoozoo.com/ 1
http://awhmong.org/ 1
http://hmongza.com/ 1
http://nraughmoob.com/ 1
http://www.aumoneriehmong.fr/ 1
http://hmongradio.com/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside 2
that cite the most nodes in 2
Node name Outbound edges
TO 2
http://hmongdistrict.org/ 2
http://hmmac.org/ 2
http://awhmong.org/ 1
http://hmongrpa.org/ 1
http://moob.org/ 1
http://hmongs.org/ 1
http://www.aumoneriehmong.fr/ 1
http://thehmongradio.com/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside 2
that are cited by the most nodes in other number of languages
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other number of languages
http://hmongdistrict.org/ 11
http://hmongminnesotaradio.com/ 8
http://hmongdictionary.com/ 8
http://www.hmongradio.tv/ 7
http://thehmongradio.com/ 7
http://hmongstime.blogspot.com/ 6
http://hmongrpa.org/ 5
http://hmonghealth.org/ 5
http://hmoobvwj.com/ 4
http://suabxaamoozoo.com/ 4
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside 2
that cite the most nodes in other number of languages
Node name Outbound edges
TO other number of languages
http://nplaimhlub.com/ 9
http://hmmac.org/ 9
http://hmongstime.blogspot.com/ 5
http://hmongdistrict.org/ 4
http://www.aumoneriehmong.fr/ 2
http://hmong-music.com/ 2
http://awhmong.org/ 1
http://hmongza.com/ 1
http://hmongrpa.org/ 1
http://hmongs.org/ 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside 2
that are cited by the most nodes in 2
Node name Inbound edges
http://hmongempire.com/ (1) 2
http://hmongtoday.com/ (1) 2
http://whachurch.org/ (1) 2
http://hmongasia.com/ (1) 2
http://hmongbands.net/ (1) 2
http://txivtsev.com/ (1) 2
http://hmongcatholique.forumdediscussions.com/ (1) 1
http://hmongok.com/ (1) 1
http://h-lr.com/ (1) 1
http://www.hmongworldnews.com/ (1) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside 2
that cite the most nodes in 2
Node name Outbound edges
TO 2
http://en.tojsiab.com/ (1) 8
http://suabnquahu.com/ (1) 6
http://hmongyajceeb.com/ (1) 5
http://possws.blogspot.com/ (1) 4
http://motherofwriting.com/ (1) 4
http://hmongnet.org/ (1) 4
http://hmonggoodnewsradio.com/ (1) 3
http://18xeem.com/ (1) 3
http://whachurch.org/ (1) 3
http://hmongcontemporaryissues.com/ (3) 3
2 | Distribution of general/business portals
Distribution relative to the corpus
2 | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
2 | Distribution of type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
2 | Distribution of country of residence
Distribution relative to the corpus
2 | Distribution of reference to the diaspora
Distribution relative to the corpus