
Categorie, for Turkey - Corpus

Migrants2 | Connectivity Profile with other categorie
Edges of the corpus related to Migrants2 (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Migrants2 | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Migrants2
that are cited by the most nodes in Migrants2
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Migrants2
http://www.ataturquie.asso.fr/ 6
http://www.turquieeuropeenne.eu/ 5
http://www.tetedeturc.com/ 5
http://www.bleublancturc.com/ 4
http://www.atheturk.com/ 4
http://atheturk.free.fr/ 3
http://atheturk.forumactif.com/ 3
http://aysinindunyasi.blogspot.com/ 2
http://www.info-turc.org/ 2
http://villeurbannefaitfront.blogspot.com/ 2
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Migrants2
that cite the most nodes in Migrants2
Node name Outbound edges
TO Migrants2
http://www.info-turc.org/ 8
http://www.bleublancturc.com/ 7
http://www.ataturquie.asso.fr/ 5
http://aysinindunyasi.blogspot.com/ 5
http://www.atheturk.com/ 4
http://atheturk.free.fr/ 4
http://www.turquieeuropeenne.eu/ 3
http://www.imprescriptible.us/ 3
http://villeurbannefaitfront.blogspot.com/ 2
http://atheturk.forumactif.com/ 2
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Migrants2
that are cited by the most nodes in other categorie
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other categorie
http://www.ataturquie.asso.fr/ 17
http://www.turquieeuropeenne.eu/ 12
http://www.bleublancturc.com/ 9
http://aysinindunyasi.blogspot.com/ 8
http://www.yerleske-campus.info/ 5
http://www.tetedeturc.com/ 4
http://www.hodrimeydan.net/ 4
http://www.armeniens.net/ 2
http://www.info-turc.org/ 1
http://www.123arcenciel.fr/ 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Migrants2
that cite the most nodes in other categorie
Node name Outbound edges
TO other categorie
http://aysinindunyasi.blogspot.com/ 39
http://www.bleublancturc.com/ 22
http://www.info-turc.org/ 16
http://www.turquieeuropeenne.eu/ 15
http://www.ataturquie.asso.fr/ 6
http://www.yerleske-campus.info/ 2
http://villeurbannefaitfront.blogspot.com/ 1
http://www.123arcenciel.fr/ 1
http://www.armeniens.net/ 1
http://www.imprescriptible.us/ 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Migrants2
that are cited by the most nodes in Migrants2
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Migrants2
http://www.turquie-news.fr/ (Turquie) 5
http://www.acort.org/ (Migrants1) 3
http://www.kebabshow.com/ (Migrants1) 3
http://www.laplumebleue.com/ (Migrants1) 3
http://www.turquieeuropeenne.org/ (Migrants1) 3
http://www.ifea-istanbul.net/ (Autres) 3
http://www.elele.info/ (Migrants1) 3
http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/ (Turquie) 3
http://www.turkses.com/ (Turquie) 3
http://www.cafeturc.com/ (Migrants1) 2
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Migrants2
that cite the most nodes in Migrants2
Node name Outbound edges
TO Migrants2
http://france-turquie.blogspot.com/ (Promoteur) 6
http://www.kebabshow.com/ (Migrants1) 5
http://turquie.blogspot.com/ (Promoteur) 4
http://turquieaimee.free.fr/ (Promoteur) 3
http://www.fenerfrance.com/ (Migrants1) 3
http://istanbuldakitom.blogspot.com/ (Promoteur) 3
http://saisonturque.canalblog.com/ (Promoteur) 3
http://uchisarpension.skynetblogs.be/ (Migrants1) 3
http://www.turkishlanguage.org/ (Migrants1) 2
http://www.turkparisi.com/ (Migrants1) 2