Droits de l'homme

Category_label, for Turkey - Expanded 2


Droits de l'homme
Droits de l'homme
Droits de l'homme | Connectivity Profile with other category_label
Edges of the corpus related to Droits de l'homme (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Droits de l'homme | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Droits de l'homme
that are cited by the most nodes in Droits de l'homme
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Droits de l'homme
http://thevoiceforum.org/ 8
http://umbruch-bildarchiv.de/ 7
http://petitiononline.com/ 5
http://mumia-hoerbuch.de/ 4
http://trueten.de/ 4
http://carava.net/ 3
http://www.das-mumia-hoerbuch.de/ 3
http://anderslautern.de/ 2
http://plataforma-berlin.de/ 2
http://secoursrouge.org/ 2
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Droits de l'homme
that cite the most nodes in Droits de l'homme
Node name Outbound edges
TO Droits de l'homme
http://stop-institutional-racism.blogspot.com/ 6
http://mumia-hoerbuch.de/ 6
http://umbruch-bildarchiv.de/ 6
http://trueten.de/ 6
http://anderslautern.de/ 5
http://www.das-mumia-hoerbuch.de/ 5
http://plataforma-berlin.de/ 2
http://lcr-lagauche.be/ 2
http://ari-berlin.org/ 2
http://cemab.be/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Droits de l'homme
that are cited by the most nodes in other category_label
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other category_label
http://petitiononline.com/ 1
http://lesdoigtsdanslacrise.info/ 1
http://cemab.be/ 1
http://blogduclea.blogspot.com/ 1
http://tarnac4000.collectifs.net/ 1
http://e-s-g.blogspot.com/ 1
http://lcr-lagauche.be/ 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Droits de l'homme
that cite the most nodes in other category_label
Node name Outbound edges
TO other category_label
http://blogduclea.blogspot.com/ 9
http://collectifcivic.org/ 5
http://stop-institutional-racism.blogspot.com/ 2
http://e-s-g.blogspot.com/ 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Droits de l'homme
that are cited by the most nodes in Droits de l'homme
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Droits de l'homme
http://hurriyet.com.tr/ (Sites en Turquie) 3
http://todayszaman.com/ (Sites en Turquie) 3
http://ntvmsnbc.com/ (Sites en Turquie) 1
http://anadolu.be/ (Sites migrants 2) 1
http://info-turk.be/ (Sites migrants 2) 1
http://imprescriptible.us/ (Sites migrants 2) 1
http://sabah.com.tr/ (Sites en Turquie) 1
http://milliyet.com.tr/ (Sites en Turquie) 1
http://radikal.com.tr/ (Sites en Turquie) 1
http://genocideazeri.free.fr/ (Sites migrants 2) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Droits de l'homme
that cite the most nodes in Droits de l'homme
Node name Outbound edges
TO Droits de l'homme
http://bulles.agora.eu.org/ (Sites migrants 2) 4
http://reklam.skynetblogs.be/ (Sites migrants 2) 1
http://forum-tfe.forumactif.com/ (Sites migrants 1) 1
http://lukvervaet.blogspot.com/ (Sites migrants 2) 1