
Tg_religion, for Indians General

Christian | Connectivity Profile with other tg_religion
Edges of the corpus related to Christian (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Christian | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Christian
that are cited by the most nodes in Christian
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Christian
IndiaChristian com 17
United Evangelical Christian Fellowship 10
Atlanta Tamil Church 7
South Asian Connection 7
ODMC Online 6
TamilChristianPrayerChurch 6
India Pentecostal Assembly 6
ChristChurchofIndia 6
TeliguChristianFellowship 6
Mississagua Christian Family Worship 5
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Christian
that cite the most nodes in Christian
Node name Outbound edges
TO Christian
IndiaChristian com 151
South Asian Connection 70
United Evangelical Christian Fellowship 69
South asian fellowship 29
Bethel tamil christian church 15
Desi Christians 15
India Pentecostal Assembly 8
Bahrain Brethren 7
Smyrna assembly 5
Chicago Marthoma Church 5
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Christian
that are cited by the most nodes in other tg_religion
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other tg_religion
Atlanta Telugu Christhava Samavesam 3
Catholic Goan Network 2
Denver Tamil Church 1
Atlanta Tamil Church 1
New England Tamil Church 1
Marthoma Church of Greater Washington 1
Syro Malabar Catholic Mission of Arizona 1
Austin Christian Fellowship of India 1
Asian Indian Christian Church of Pittsburgh 1
South asian fellowship 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Christian
that cite the most nodes in other tg_religion
Node name Outbound edges
TO other tg_religion
South Asian Connection 4
South asian fellowship 2
Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America 2
Smyrna assembly 1
IndiaChristian com 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Christian
that are cited by the most nodes in Christian
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Christian
rediff (None) 1
Singapore Telugu Community (None) 1
INDIA New England (None) 1
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (None) 1
Indolink (None) 1
Hindu American Foundation (HAF) (None) 1
West london church of god (None) 1
Hope India (None) 1
SiliconIndia (None) 1
Marathi Prem Wardhak Mandali (None) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Christian
that cite the most nodes in Christian
Node name Outbound edges
TO Christian
AZIndia (None) 3
INDIA New England (None) 2
West london church of god (None) 2
thokalath (None) 2
Metro Atlanta Indian American Community (None) 2
Kerala Association of Greater Washington (KAGW) (None) 2
ApnaOhio (None) 1
Pittsburgh India (None) 1
Singapore Telugu Community (None) 1
India Community Center of Austin (None) 1
Christian | Distribution of tg_scale
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of tg_purpose
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of tg_subnational
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of tg_party
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of tg_work
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of tg_publisher
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of tg_worship place
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of tg_caste
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of date
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of country
Distribution relative to the corpus
Christian | Distribution of Corpus-Frontier
Distribution relative to the corpus

Sub-corpus as a list