
Country of residence, for Palestinians

country of residence

(country of residence)
Germany | Connectivity Profile with other country of residence
Edges of the corpus related to Germany (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Germany | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Germany
that are cited by the most nodes in Germany
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Germany
Deutsche Welle 8
Ludwig Watzal 8
General Delegation Of Palestine 7
Das Palaestina Portal 6
Vereinigung Der Freunde Palestinas In Sachsen-anhalt 6
Dr. Viktoria Waltz 4
Public Solisdairty 4
Fluchtlingskinder Im Libanon 4
Palestinensische Gemeinde-deutschland 3
Nahostkonflikt Israel Palestina 3
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Germany
that cite the most nodes in Germany
Node name Outbound edges
TO Germany
Institut Fur Palestinakunde 10
Das Palaestina Portal 10
Das Palaestina Portal 8
Nahostkonflikt Israel Palestina 7
The Independent News Agency 5
Heidelberg Forum Gegen Militarismus Und Krieg-fur Eine Solidarische Welt 5
Dr. Viktoria Waltz 3
Fluchtlingskinder Im Libanon 3
Public Solisdairty 2
Aktion Frieden Fur Palestina 2
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Germany
that are cited by the most nodes in other country of residence
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other country of residence
Deutsche Welle 18
General Delegation Of Palestine 5
Vereinigung Der Freunde Palestinas In Sachsen-anhalt 4
Nahostkonflikt Israel Palestina 4
Deutsch-palestinensischer Frauenverein 3
Ludwig Watzal 3
Palestinensische Gemeinde-deutschland 2
Freie Palestina-stimme 2
Das Palaestina Portal 2
Institut Fur Palestinakunde 2
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Germany
that cite the most nodes in other country of residence
Node name Outbound edges
TO other country of residence
Institut Fur Palestinakunde 97
The Independent News Agency 52
Heidelberg Forum Gegen Militarismus Und Krieg-fur Eine Solidarische Welt 34
Das Palaestina Portal 30
Das Palaestina Portal 23
Aktion Frieden Fur Palestina 13
Nahostkonflikt Israel Palestina 13
Public Solisdairty 12
General Delegation Of Palestine 12
Dr. Viktoria Waltz 7
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Germany
that are cited by the most nodes in Germany
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Germany
Electronic Intifada (United States) 8
Anti War (Unspecified) 7
Americans For Peace Now (United States) 7
Norman Finkelstein (Unspecified) 6
Gesellschaft Fur Österreichisch-arabische Beziehungen? (Austria) 6
Dissident Voice (United States) 6
Machsom Watch (Israel) 6
Occupation Magazine (Israel) 6
Information Clearing House (Unspecified) 5
The Public Committee Against Torture In Israel (Israel) 5
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Germany
that cite the most nodes in Germany
Node name Outbound edges
TO Germany
Anis Online (Unspecified) 13
Palestina Plattform Österreich (Austria) 9
Hussam Kader (Palestinian Territories) 2
Gesellschaft Schweiz-palestina (Switzerland) 2
SIRATYST (Stuff I Read And Thought You Should Too) (United States) 1
Association Des Universitaires Pour Le Respect Du Droit International En Palestine (France) 1
Anti War (Unspecified) 1
Information Clearing House (Unspecified) 1
The Jerusalem Fund For Education And Community Development (United States) 1
The Middle East Web Group (Unspecified) 1
Germany | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Distribution of diaspora?
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Distribution of type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Distribution of activity
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Distribution of primary cause
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Distribution of secondary cause
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Distribution of number of languages
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Tags of language(s)
German (20) English (6) Arabic (3) Albanian (1) Amharic (1) Bengali (1) Bosnian B/h/s (1) Bulgarian (1) Chinese (1) Croatian (1) Dari (1) French (1) Greek (1) Hausa (1) Hindi (1) Indonesian (1) Kiswahili (1) Macedonian (1) Pashto (1) Persian (1) Polish (1) Portuguese For Africa (1) Portuguese For Brazil (1) Romanian (1) Russian (1) Serbian (1) Spanish (1) Turkish (1) Ukrainian (1) Urdu (1)
Germany | Distribution of reference to the country of residence
Germany | Distribution of reference to the palestinian territories
Germany | Distribution of areas of origin in the palestinian territories
Germany | Distribution of reference to the diaspora
Distribution relative to the corpus
Germany | Distribution of starting date
Distribution relative to the corpus