
Country of residence, for Palestinians

country of residence

(country of residence)
Spain | Connectivity Profile with other country of residence
Edges of the corpus related to Spain (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Spain | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Spain
that are cited by the most nodes in Spain
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Spain
Alquds Palestina 2
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Spain
that cite the most nodes in Spain
Node name Outbound edges
TO Spain
Communist Party - Madrid 1
Galiza Por Palestina 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Spain
that are cited by the most nodes in other country of residence
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other country of residence
Palestina Resiste! 7
Alquds Palestina 4
Boicot Israel - Spain 3
Ngo Group For Palestine 2
Galiza Por Palestina 2
Communist Party - Madrid 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Spain
that cite the most nodes in other country of residence
Node name Outbound edges
TO other country of residence
Boicot Israel - Spain 21
Palestina Resiste! 19
Communist Party - Madrid 6
Galiza Por Palestina 6
Ngo Group For Palestine 5
Alquds Palestina 2
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Spain
that are cited by the most nodes in Spain
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Spain
Nodo50 (Uruguay) 6
Comite Democratico Palestino-Chile (Chile) 5
Rebelion (Unspecified) 4
The Jerusalem Forum (Jordan) 2
Pensemos En Palestina (Chile) 2
Tlaxcala The International Network Of Translators For Linguistic Diversity (Unspecified) 2
Palestine Solidarity Campaign (United Kingdom) 2
Electronic Intifada (United States) 2
Russel Tribunal On Palestine (Unspecified) 2
British Committee For The Universities Of Palestine (United Kingdom) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Spain
that cite the most nodes in Spain
Node name Outbound edges
TO Spain
El Palestino (Unspecified) 3
La Oficina De Informacion Chileno - Palestina (Chile) 2
Pensemos En Palestina (Chile) 2
Asociacion Argentina De Solidaridad Con Palestina (Argentina) 2
Federacion Palestina De Chile (Chile) 2
Association Des Universitaires Pour Le Respect Du Droit International En Palestine (France) 1
Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign (United Kingdom) 1
Americans Against Apartheid Uk - Expatriates For Justice In Palestine (United States United Kingdom) 1
Nodo50 (Uruguay) 1
Peace Palestine (Italy) 1
Spain | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Distribution of diaspora?
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Distribution of type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Distribution of activity
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Distribution of primary cause
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Distribution of secondary cause
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Distribution of number of languages
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Tags of language(s)
Spanish (6) English (1)
Spain | Distribution of reference to the country of residence
Spain | Distribution of reference to the palestinian territories
Spain | Distribution of areas of origin in the palestinian territories
Spain | Distribution of reference to the diaspora
Distribution relative to the corpus
Spain | Distribution of starting date
Distribution relative to the corpus