
Publisher Type, for Hmong

(Publisher Type)
others | Connectivity Profile with other Publisher Type
Edges of the corpus related to others (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
others | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside others
that are cited by the most nodes in others
Node name Inbound edges
FROM others
http://hmoobvwj.com/ 2
http://zoosiab.com/ 2
http://imhmong.com/ 2
http://hmongmusiconline.com/ 2
http://nconcokoj.com/ 1
http://hmoobdating.com/ 1
http://en.tojsiab.com/ 1
http://www.hmoobshow.com/ 1
http://hmongbands.net/ 1
http://ehmongmusic.com/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside others
that cite the most nodes in others
Node name Outbound edges
TO others
http://en.tojsiab.com/ 3
http://www.hmoobshow.com/ 3
http://nkaujhmong.com/ 3
http://chawtshua.com/ 2
http://th.tojsiab.com/ 2
http://guestube.com/ 1
http://hmong-music.com/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside others
that are cited by the most nodes in other Publisher Type
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other Publisher Type
http://hmongempire.com/ 6
http://ehmongmusic.com/ 5
http://zoosiab.com/ 3
http://hmoobvwj.com/ 2
http://nconcokoj.com/ 2
http://hmongmelody.com/ 2
http://en.tojsiab.com/ 2
http://hmongmusiconline.com/ 2
http://www.wpt.org/hmong 1
http://hmongwriting.com/ 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside others
that cite the most nodes in other Publisher Type
Node name Outbound edges
TO other Publisher Type
http://en.tojsiab.com/ 31
http://chawtshua.com/ 9
http://www.hmongfestival.com/ 7
http://nconcokoj.com/ 6
http://hmongempire.com/ 5
http://www.hmoobshow.com/ 3
http://lubcaijspring.com/ 3
http://www.wpt.org/hmong 2
http://nkaujhmong.com/ 2
http://guestube.com/ 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside others
that are cited by the most nodes in others
Node name Inbound edges
FROM others
http://laofamily.org/ (association) 4
http://hmongtoday.com/ (media) 3
http://www.shrdo.com/ (media) 3
http://hmongnet.org/ (individual) 3
http://hmongtimes.com/ (media) 3
http://hmongihrw.org/ (association) 2
http://hmongminnesotaradio.com/ (media) 2
http://hmongrhodeisland.com/ (association) 2
http://hmongthailand.com/ (individual) 2
http://hmongabc.com/ (company) 2
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside others
that cite the most nodes in others
Node name Outbound edges
TO others
http://nplaimhlub.com/ (community) 4
http://hmongyajceeb.com/ (individual) 3
http://hmongthailand.com/ (individual) 2
http://hmongoakland.org/ (association) 2
http://motherofwriting.com/ (individual) 2
http://hmmac.org/ (association) 2
http://hmongcatholique.forumdediscussions.com/ (community) 1
http://possws.blogspot.com/ (individual) 1
http://18xeem.com/ (media) 1
http://banhmong.com/ (association) 1
others | Distribution of Type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
others | Tags of Activity
culture (20) community (4) meeting (2)
others | Distribution of Number of languages
Distribution relative to the corpus
others | Distribution of Language(s)
Distribution relative to the corpus
others | Distribution of Reference to the geographic location
others | Distribution of Geographic location of the publisher
others | Distribution of state|region|city
Distribution relative to the corpus
others | Distribution of Reference to the country of origin
others | Tags of Areas of origin
None (17) laos (3) china (2) hebei (1) lapland (1) mongolia (1) thailand (1) tibet (1) vietnam (1) zhuolu (1)
others | Tags of Vast area
none (20) lapland (1) tibet (1)
others | Tags of Confined area
none (20) hebei (1) zhuolu (1)
others | Tags of city
none (21)
others | Tags of country
none (17) laos (3) china (2) mongolia (1) thailand (1) vietnam (1)
others | Tags of Dream country
none (21)
others | Distribution of Reference to the scattering of hmong people
others | Distribution of Diaspora
Distribution relative to the corpus
others | Distribution of Hmong around the world
Distribution relative to the corpus
others | Distribution of Geographic categories
Distribution relative to the corpus
others | Tags of Geographic areas of scattering
none (14) united states of america (5) china (4) laos (4) thailand (4) australia (1) canada (1) france (1) guyana (1) vietnam (1)
others | Distribution of Starting date
Distribution relative to the corpus