english + persian

Language, for Zoroastrian

english|persian | Connectivity Profile with other language
Edges of the corpus related to english|persian (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
english|persian | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside english|persian
that are cited by the most nodes in english|persian
Node name Inbound edges
FROM english|persian
http://oshihan.org/ 3
http://berasad.com/ 2
http://bozorgbazgasht.com/ 1
http://zoroastriannews.com/ 1
http://czcjournal.org/ 1
http://zoroastrianbornagain.com/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside english|persian
that cite the most nodes in english|persian
Node name Outbound edges
TO english|persian
http://zsws.org/ 6
http://zoroastriannews.com/ 1
http://czcjournal.org/ 1
http://zoroastrianbornagain.com/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside english|persian
that are cited by the most nodes in other language
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other language
http://oshihan.org/ 12
http://bozorgbazgasht.com/ 11
http://berasad.com/ 10
http://zoroastriannews.com/ 9
http://czcjournal.org/ 6
http://shiraz.freeservers.com/zor.htm 3
http://zoroastrianbornagain.com/ 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside english|persian
that cite the most nodes in other language
Node name Outbound edges
TO other language
http://zoroastriannews.com/ 32
http://zsws.org/ 31
http://zoroastrianbornagain.com/ 27
http://bozorgbazgasht.com/ 7
http://czcjournal.org/ 7
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside english|persian
that are cited by the most nodes in english|persian
Node name Inbound edges
FROM english|persian
http://zoroastrian.org/ (English) 4
http://fezana.org/ (English) 4
http://zagny.org/ (English) 3
http://t-z-a.org/ (Persian) 3
http://zarathushtra.com/ () 3
http://zac-chicago.org/ (English) 3
http://zah.org/ (English) 3
http://anjomanemobedan.org/ (Persian) 3
http://zamwi.org/ (English) 3
http://pzo.info/ (English) 3
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside english|persian
that cite the most nodes in english|persian
Node name Outbound edges
TO english|persian
http://wznn.org/ (English) 6
http://dnzt.org/ (english|persian|other) 4
http://amordad.com/ (Persian) 3
http://zoroastrian.ru/ (english|russian) 3
http://avesta.org/ (English) 3
http://zsbc.org/ (English) 2
http://theparsichronicle.com/ (English) 2
http://zarathushtra.com/ () 2
http://zoroastrianism.cc/ () 2
http://szf.se/ (Persian) 2
english|persian | Distribution of type of site
Distribution relative to the corpus
english|persian | Distribution of type of publication
Distribution relative to the corpus
english|persian | Distribution of breakdown for culture and religion
english|persian | Distribution of breakdown for networking
Distribution relative to the corpus
english|persian | Distribution of country of residence
Distribution relative to the corpus
english|persian | Distribution of geographic outreach (target audience)
english|persian | Distribution of year of creation
Distribution relative to the corpus
english|persian | Distribution of ideology
Distribution relative to the corpus
english|persian | Distribution of ethnicity
Distribution relative to the corpus