
Main_activity, for Frontiers

Youth | Connectivity Profile with other main_activity
Edges of the corpus related to Youth (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Youth | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Youth
that are cited by the most nodes in Youth
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Youth
Hindu Students Council 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Youth
that cite the most nodes in Youth
Node name Outbound edges
TO Youth
HinduStudentsCouncil @HSCnational 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Youth
that are cited by the most nodes in other main_activity
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other main_activity
Hindu Students Council 9
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh's Balagokulam 7
Sangh Internship Program 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Youth
that cite the most nodes in other main_activity
Node name Outbound edges
TO other main_activity
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh's Balagokulam 13
Hindu Students Council 4
Sangh Internship Program 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Youth
that are cited by the most nodes in Youth
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Youth
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA (None) 1
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh UK (None) 1
Hindu Kids (None) 1
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (Ideology) 1
Geet Ganga (Ideology) 1
Vihaaha (None) 1
Hindu Education Foundation (Education) 1
The Universal Wisdom (Ideology) 1
Ekal Vidyalya Foundation (Charity) 1
A Tribute to Hinduism (Religion) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Youth
that cite the most nodes in Youth
Node name Outbound edges
TO Youth
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA (None) 2
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh UK (None) 2
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Yuva Online (Ideology) 2
Hinduism Ressources (Information) 2
The campaign to stop funding Hate (Lobby) 1
KHNA Kerala Hindus of North America (Religion) 1
The Universal Wisdom (Ideology) 1
Hindu Vivek Kendra (Think Tank) 1
Shadow Warrior (Information) 1
Coalition of Hindu Youth (Ideology) 1
Youth | Distribution of corpus
Distribution relative to the corpus
Youth | Distribution of closed website
Distribution relative to the corpus
Youth | Distribution of type of site
Distribution relative to the corpus
Youth | Distribution of type_of_actor
Distribution relative to the corpus
Youth | Distribution of country
Distribution relative to the corpus
Youth | Tags of other_activities
Ideology (4) Youth (4) Education (1)