
Type_of_actor, for Frontiers


Association | Connectivity Profile with other type_of_actor
Edges of the corpus related to Association (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Association | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Association
that are cited by the most nodes in Association
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Association
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti - Uniting Hindus globally 3
Sanatan Sanstha 3
Save Temples - Hindu Devalaya Parirakshna Samiti 2
India-Forum.Com 2
Forum for Hindu Awakening For Spiritual Progress 2
Hindutva Brotherhood - Kashmiri Hindu Liberation Army 1
Hindu Human Rights Watch 1
Hindu Voice - Prof. G. C.Asnani Archives 1
Let India Develop 1
south asian bleeding hearts association 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Association
that cite the most nodes in Association
Node name Outbound edges
TO Association
Struggle for Hindu Existence 6
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti - Uniting Hindus globally 2
Hindutva Brotherhood - Kashmiri Hindu Liberation Army 2
India-Forum.Com 2
Forum for Hindu Awakening For Spiritual Progress 2
Hindu Human Rights Watch 1
Let India Develop 1
south asian bleeding hearts association 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Association
that are cited by the most nodes in other type_of_actor
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other type_of_actor
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti - Uniting Hindus globally 28
India-Forum.Com 12
Save Temples - Hindu Devalaya Parirakshna Samiti 9
Hindu Heritage Endowement 8
Forum for Hindu Awakening For Spiritual Progress 8
Hindu Voice - Prof. G. C.Asnani Archives 7
Struggle for Hindu Existence 7
Let India Develop 6
The Hindu Forum of Britain 5
south asian bleeding hearts association 4
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Association
that cite the most nodes in other type_of_actor
Node name Outbound edges
TO other type_of_actor
Struggle for Hindu Existence 36
Hindutva Brotherhood - Kashmiri Hindu Liberation Army 31
Let India Develop 19
south asian bleeding hearts association 12
India-Forum.Com 10
KHNA Kerala Hindus of North America 9
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti - Uniting Hindus globally 8
Hindu Voice - Prof. G. C.Asnani Archives 6
Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee 6 India's first conservative website 3
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Association
that are cited by the most nodes in Association
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Association
PetitionOnline (Social network) 6
Hinduism Today (Organization) 5
Zeenews (Media) 4
Organiser (Sangh Parivar Branch) 4 (Firm) 4
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (Sangh Parivar Branch) 4
Voice of Dharma (Publishing House) 4
Haindava Keralam (Sangh Parivar Branch) 4
The Hindu Universe (Company) 4
India Cause Blog for India Varta (Group) 3
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Association
that cite the most nodes in Association
Node name Outbound edges
TO Association
Hinduism Ressources (Individual) 10
Dharma Today (Group) 8
Shadow Warrior (Bloggers Collective) 7
VivekaJyoti (Individual) 5
hindunation (Individual) 5
Hindu online (Individual) 5
Indian Realist (Individual) 3
Blog of Sandeep the rediscovery of India (Individual) 3
Sowing Seeds of Thought Satyameva Jayate (Individual) 3
Racism at JPMorgan Chase (Individual) 3
Association | Distribution of corpus
Distribution relative to the corpus
Association | Distribution of closed website
Distribution relative to the corpus
Association | Distribution of type of site
Distribution relative to the corpus
Association | Distribution of country
Distribution relative to the corpus
Association | Distribution of main_activity
Distribution relative to the corpus
Association | Tags of other_activities
Ideology (12) Education (6) Religion (6) Information (4) Charity (3) Lobby (2) None (2) Biography (1) Politics (1) Think tank (1)