
Scale, for Russophones

local | Connectivity Profile with other scale
Edges of the corpus related to local (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
local | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside local
that are cited by the most nodes in local
Node name Inbound edges
FROM local
http://russianboston.com/ 7
http://russianla.com/ 7
http://russianchicago.com/ 7
http://nadegda.de/ 6
http://russianfoods.com/ 5
http://www.russianfrisco.com/ 5
http://hamburg-hram.de/ 5
http://torontovka.com/ 5
http://russiancleveland.com/ 5
http://russianmiami.com/ 5
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside local
that cite the most nodes in local
Node name Outbound edges
TO local
http://vancouver.ru/ 17
http://orthodox.bialystok.pl/ 10
http://russianaustin.com/ 8
http://www.russianfrisco.com/ 6
http://russianboston.com/ 6
http://russiancleveland.com/ 6
http://russianmiami.com/ 6
http://russianchicago.com/ 6
http://just-so-site.com/ 5
http://russianla.com/ 5
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside local
that are cited by the most nodes in other scale
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other scale
http://vestnik.com/ 23
http://russiantoronto.com/ 19
http://bfrz.ru/ 17
http://just-so-site.com/ 15
http://privet.com/ 13
http://privetparis.com/ 13
http://russian-la.com/ 11
http://russische-botschaft.de/ 10
http://www.uscompass.com/ 10
http://torontovka.com/ 10
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside local
that cite the most nodes in other scale
Node name Outbound edges
TO other scale
http://vancouver.ru/ 63
http://orthodox.bialystok.pl/ 17
http://russianvienna.com/ 15
http://warsaw.ru/ 14
http://russianaustin.com/ 13
http://cndstyle.com/ 11
http://toronto-plus.com/ 11
http://russcentrum.pl/ 10
http://just-so-site.com/ 10
http://dansk-russisk-hus.dk/ 9
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside local
that are cited by the most nodes in local
Node name Inbound edges
FROM local
http://russianamerica.com/ (one country) 20
http://mospat.ru/ (regional) 14
http://www.baraban.org/ (regional) 10
http://www.russkiymir.ru/ (global) 8
http://germany.ru/ (one country) 8
http://www.russianseattle.com/ (one country) 7
http://newyork.ru/ (one country) 7
http://msrs.ru/ (global) 7
http://rg-rb.de/ (one country) 6
http://ruvek.ru/ (global) 6
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside local
that cite the most nodes in local
Node name Outbound edges
TO local
http://www.russianseattle.com/ (one country) 18
http://russian-world.info/ (global) 17
http://ruslink.de/ (one country) 11
http://pmg-online.ru/ (regional) 10
http://rusweb.de/ (one country) 9
http://canadarussia.com/ (one country) 8
http://www.eursa.eu/ (global) 8
http://russianamerica.com/ (one country) 8
http://zarubezhje.narod.ru/ (global) 8
http://newyork.ru/ (one country) 7
local | Distribution of type
Distribution relative to the corpus
local | Distribution of representation
Distribution relative to the corpus
local | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
local | Distribution of focus thematical
Distribution relative to the corpus