
Type, for Russophones

unspecified | Connectivity Profile with other type
Edges of the corpus related to unspecified (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
unspecified | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside unspecified
that are cited by the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Inbound edges
FROM unspecified
http://judea.ru/ 1
http://cultureelcentrum.nl/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside unspecified
that cite the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Outbound edges
TO unspecified
http://professors.org.il/Russian 1
http://rusland.net/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside unspecified
that are cited by the most nodes in other type
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other type
http://rusland.net/ 17
http://judea.ru/ 11
http://eurolog-russ.de/ 6
http://professors.org.il/Russian 4
http://cultureelcentrum.nl/ 3
http://vad1.com/ 2
http://russianmichigan.com/ 2
http://seoulherald.com/ 1
http://www.znakomstva.israword.co.il/ 1
http://dvdru.net/ 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside unspecified
that cite the most nodes in other type
Node name Outbound edges
TO other type
http://lizotchka-russie.over-blog.com/ 19
http://dvdru.net/ 6
http://professors.org.il/Russian 2
http://vad1.com/ 1
http://rusland.net/ 1
http://www.znakomstva.israword.co.il/ 1
http://www.internations.org/expats 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside unspecified
that are cited by the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Inbound edges
FROM unspecified
http://gagarine.ch/ (blog) 1
http://www.italia-ru.it/ (news bulletin - information portal) 1
http://vancouver.ru/ (news bulletin - information portal) 1
http://orthodoxedenantes.free.fr/ (news bulletin - information portal) 1
http://russophonie.free.fr/ (event or company) 1
http://ruslink.de/ (directory) 1
http://nashagazeta.ch/ (news bulletin - information portal) 1
http://twitter.com/internationsorg (blog) 1
http://maxime-and-co.com/ (news bulletin - information portal) 1
http://kadouchka.com/ (news bulletin - information portal) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside unspecified
that cite the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Outbound edges
TO unspecified
http://vancouver.ru/ (news bulletin - information portal) 2
http://bilingual-online.net/ (news bulletin - information portal) 2
http://gollandia.com/ (blog) 2
http://russian-world.info/ (directory) 2
http://www.russianseattle.com/ (news bulletin - information portal) 2
http://zionet.co.il/ (news bulletin - information portal) 2
http://gazeta.rjews.net/ (news bulletin - information portal) 2
http://igorr_ru.tripod.com/ (blog) 2
http://aib06.narod.ru/ (blog) 2
http://heblit.org/ (event or company) 1
unspecified | Distribution of scale
Distribution relative to the corpus
unspecified | Distribution of representation
Distribution relative to the corpus
unspecified | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
unspecified | Distribution of focus thematical
Distribution relative to the corpus