
Representation, for Russophones


unspecified | Connectivity Profile with other representation
Edges of the corpus related to unspecified (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
unspecified | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside unspecified
that are cited by the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Inbound edges
FROM unspecified
http://www.russianseattle.com/ 7
http://russian-club.com/ 3
http://israelinfo.ru/ 3
http://judea.ru/ 3
http://rusland.net/ 3
http://russianchicago.com/ 3
http://ruslex.nl/ 2
http://russianmichigan.com/ 2
http://newzealandexpress.com/ 2
http://rustreet.com/ 2
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside unspecified
that cite the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Outbound edges
TO unspecified
http://languages-study.com/ 7
http://www.russianseattle.com/ 7
http://russianaustin.com/ 6
http://rishon-lezion.com/ 3
http://towns.narod.ru/ 3
http://lib.kharkov.ua/ 3
http://russiansabroad.com/ 3
http://rustel.nl/ 2
http://terrorizm-isla.narod.ru/ 2
http://rusmix.nl/ 2
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside unspecified
that are cited by the most nodes in other representation
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other representation
http://www.russianseattle.com/ 30
http://israelinfo.ru/ 27
http://ruswiss.ch/ 15
http://rusland.net/ 14
http://www.russianday.com/ 13
http://languages-study.com/ 10
http://judea.ru/ 9
http://russianchicago.com/ 8
http://newzealandexpress.com/ 7
http://poisk.fi/ 7
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside unspecified
that cite the most nodes in other representation
Node name Outbound edges
TO other representation
http://www.russianseattle.com/ 75
http://towns.narod.ru/ 46
http://languages-study.com/ 32
http://lib.kharkov.ua/ 21
http://lizotchka-russie.over-blog.com/ 19
http://tarantas.ru/ 17
http://russianaustin.com/ 15
http://russiansabroad.com/ 14
http://societasjesu.blogspot.com/ 12
http://israelinfo.ru/ 9
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside unspecified
that are cited by the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Inbound edges
FROM unspecified
http://germany.ru/ (community organisations or similar (schools clubs groups)) 8
http://cursorinfo.co.il/ (community organisations or similar (schools clubs groups)) 8
http://sem40.ru/ (media and media outlets) 7
http://vestnik.com/ (media and media outlets) 7
http://russianamerica.com/ (community organisations or similar (schools clubs groups)) 6
http://just-so-site.com/ (individual-family) 6
http://isra.com/ (media and media outlets) 6
http://www.souz.co.il/ (media and media outlets) 5
http://russianfoods.com/ (businesses-companies) 5
http://nashacanada.com/ (community organisations or similar (schools clubs groups)) 5
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside unspecified
that cite the most nodes in unspecified
Node name Outbound edges
TO unspecified
http://vancouver.ru/ (community organisations or similar (schools clubs groups)) 11
http://russian-world.info/ (media and media outlets) 10
http://pmg-online.ru/ (media and media outlets) 5
http://about-russian-language.com/ (individual-family) 4
http://lib.ru/EMIGRATION (community organisations or similar (schools clubs groups)) 4
http://gollandia.com/ (individual-family) 4
http://just-so-site.com/ (individual-family) 4
http://gazeta.rjews.net/ (media and media outlets) 4
http://heblit.org/ (individual-family) 3
http://zagranicey.ru/ (community organisations or similar (schools clubs groups)) 3
unspecified | Distribution of scale
Distribution relative to the corpus
unspecified | Distribution of type
Distribution relative to the corpus
unspecified | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
unspecified | Distribution of focus thematical
Distribution relative to the corpus