
Reference to the diaspora, for South Asian Leftist mobilisation

reference to the diaspora

(reference to the diaspora)
no | Connectivity Profile with other reference to the diaspora
Edges of the corpus related to no (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
no | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside no
that are cited by the most nodes in no
Node name Inbound edges
south asian american leading together 7
manavi 6
sakhi for south asian women 5
sneha|a network of women of south asian origin 4
mai family services 3
south asian lesbian & gay association of new york city (salga-nyc) 3
people's union for civil liberties (pucl) 3
youth solidarity 2
people union for democratic rights (pudr) 2
turning point 2
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside no
that cite the most nodes in no
Node name Outbound edges
TO no
south asian american leading together 10
sakhi for south asian women 6
mai family services 5
turning point 5
adhikaar 4
gyanoprobha 3
south asian women's creative collective (sawcc) 2
stop funding hate 2
leftist looney lunchbox 2
the queer east 2
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside no
that are cited by the most nodes in other reference to the diaspora
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other reference to the diaspora
south asian american leading together 25
stop funding hate 14
people's union for civil liberties (pucl) 13
south asian nerwork 11
international campaign for justice for bhopal (icjp) 8
youth solidarity 7
manavi 7
south asian lesbian & gay association of new york city (salga-nyc) 6
south asian women's creative collective (sawcc) 5
sakhi for south asian women 4
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside no
that cite the most nodes in other reference to the diaspora
Node name Outbound edges
TO other reference to the diaspora
stop funding hate 13
south asian american leading together 13
leftist looney lunchbox 7
south asian progressive collective 7
banglapraxis 6
gyanoprobha 5
non-resident indians for a secular and harmonious india (nrisahi) 3
turning point 3
south asian lesbian & gay association of new york city (salga-nyc) 3
youth solidarity 2
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside no
that are cited by the most nodes in no
Node name Inbound edges
maitri (yes) 6
ekta: a south asian progressive network (yes) 5
narika (yes) 5
satrang - southern california (yes) 4
south asian magazine for action and reflection (samar) (yes) 4
friends of south asia (yes) 3
counter currents (yes) 3
frontline (yes) 3
himal - south asian (yes) 3
little india (yes) 3
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside no
that cite the most nodes in no
Node name Outbound edges
TO no
ekta: a south asian progressive network (yes) 13
south asian philanthropy project (yes) 13
friends of south asia (yes) 7
maitri (yes) 6
south asian forum (yes) 6
sepia mutiny (yes) 6
counselors helping (south) asian indians (chai) (yes) 6
bay area solidarity summer (bass) (yes) 5
liberal virus (yes) 4
ghadar (yes) 4
no | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
no | Tags of type of website
organizational website (32) thematic website (27) blog (11) educational website (2)  (1) computer program (1) discussion forum (1) professional website (1)
no | Tags of activity
social justice (14) community-building (9) human rights (9) pluralism (9) secularism (9) community services (7) education (7) religion (7) anti-domestic violence (6) culture (5) democracy (5) environment (5) information (5) minorities' rights (5) peace (5) progressive ideology (5) workers' rights (5) charity (4) defense of alternative sexuality (4) development (4) gender equality (4) empowerment (3) inter-community dialogue (3) civil rights (2) freedom of expression (2) non-violence (2) politics (2) analysis (1) civil liberties (1) economic justice (1) feminism (1) idealism (1) immigrants rights (1) immigration services (1) philosphy (1) political justice (1) professional development (1) research (1) research tool (1) socialism (1)
no | Tags of means of mobilisation
information (30) public policy advocacy (16) non-violent direct action (12) education (11) legal services (9) community services (8) counselling (8) social networking (7) debate (5) research (5) cultural activism (4) health services (4) inter-faith dialogue (4) artistic activism (3) fundraising (3) religious activities (3) youth program (3) leadership (2) lobbying (2) media outreach (2) political awareness (2) political documentaries (2) social work (2)  (1) artistic expression (1) investigation (1) key-words scan (1)
no | Distribution of number of languages
Distribution relative to the corpus
no | Distribution of language(s)
Distribution relative to the corpus
no | Distribution of country of residence
Distribution relative to the corpus
no | Distribution of state|region|city
Distribution relative to the corpus
no | Distribution of field of action & mobilisation
no | Distribution of starting date
Distribution relative to the corpus
no | Distribution of type (in next|out)
Distribution relative to the corpus
no | Distribution of degree of activity
Distribution relative to the corpus

Sub-corpus as a list