
Country, for Palestinians 2

Lebanon | Connectivity Profile with other country
Edges of the corpus related to Lebanon (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
Lebanon | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside Lebanon
that are cited by the most nodes in Lebanon
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Lebanon
http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/ 1
http://palestine-info.info/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside Lebanon
that cite the most nodes in Lebanon
Node name Outbound edges
TO Lebanon
http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/ 1
http://palestine-info.info/ 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside Lebanon
that are cited by the most nodes in other country
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other country
http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/ 102
http://palestine-studies.org/ 80
http://palestine-info.info/ 15
http://landandpeople.blogspot.com/ 14
http://al-jana.org/ 3
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside Lebanon
that cite the most nodes in other country
Node name Outbound edges
TO other country
http://landandpeople.blogspot.com/ 34
http://palestine-studies.org/ 18
http://al-jana.org/ 11
http://palestine-info.info/ 6
http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/ 2
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside Lebanon
that are cited by the most nodes in Lebanon
Node name Inbound edges
FROM Lebanon
http://badil.org/ (Palestine) 4
http://al-awda.org/ (USA) 3
http://bdsmovement.net/ (Palestine) 2
http://palestine-info.com/ (UK) 2
http://paltube.org/ (USA) 2
http://muzzlewatch.com/ (USA) 2
http://palestinechronicle.com/ (USA) 2
http://passia.org/ (Israel) 2
http://imeu.net/ (USA) 2
http://palestinemonitor.org/ (Palestine) 2
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside Lebanon
that cite the most nodes in Lebanon
Node name Outbound edges
TO Lebanon
http://angryarab.blogspot.com/ () 4
http://nevercastleadagain.wordpress.com/ () 3
http://palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/ () 3
http://justworldnews.org/ (USA) 3
http://bodyontheline.wordpress.com/ (USA) 3
http://kadaitcha.com/ (Australia) 3
http://palestinepost.org/ (USA) 3
http://gazafreedommarch.org/ (USA) 2
http://palestinecards.com/ () 2
http://onepalestine.org/ (USA) 2
Lebanon | Distribution of type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
Lebanon | Distribution of type of actor
Distribution relative to the corpus
Lebanon | Distribution of activity (primary cause)
Distribution relative to the corpus
Lebanon | Distribution of secondary cause
Distribution relative to the corpus
Lebanon | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
Lebanon | Tags of location
Beirut (5)