
Language, for Right2Vote

english | Connectivity Profile with other Language
Edges of the corpus related to english (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
english | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside english
that are cited by the most nodes in english
Node name Inbound edges
FROM english
@cairowire 10
@missmayse 9
@nesrinekhaled 6
@lamiamoussa 4
@kerberosmansour 3
@nermin79 3
@raniaessawi 3
@wilyawil 3
@zeinobia 3
@ahmed_badr20 2
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside english
that cite the most nodes in english
Node name Outbound edges
TO english
@nermin79 7
@raniaessawi 7
@sciencepyramid 3
@ahmed_badr20 2
@cairowire 2
dahlia2006 2
@kerberosmansour 2
kg4000 2
@missmayse 2
@nesrinekhaled 2
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside english
that are cited by the most nodes in other Language
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other Language
@missmayse 12
@nesrinekhaled 5
@kerberosmansour 4
@neenandco 4
@cairowire 2
@cefortes 2
@lamiamoussa 2
@liliane_khalil 2
@raniaessawi 2
@rubyfahmi 2
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside english
that cite the most nodes in other Language
Node name Outbound edges
TO other Language
@nermin79 7
@nesrinekhaled 6
@raniaessawi 5
@kerberosmansour 4
dr_binladin 3
@missmayse 3
ahmadhabashy 2
ahmedraafat10 2
@cairowire 2
gamilae 2
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside english
that are cited by the most nodes in english
Node name Inbound edges
FROM english
@raafatology (arabic|english) 40
@nohaelshoky (arabic|english) 19
@hoda_osman (arabic|english) 9
@khaledfahmy (arabic|english) 7
@wnofal (arabic) 7
@ontveg (arabic|english) 5
@nawaranegm (arabic) 2
@yosrifouda (arabic) 2
@abdallah_h (arabic|english) 1
@ahmmedzaki (arabic|english) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside english
that cite the most nodes in english
Node name Outbound edges
TO english
@nohaelshoky (arabic|english) 12
asabdallah (arabic|english) 2
@egyabroad (arabic|english) 2
@hoda_osman (arabic|english) 2
khademz (arabic|english) 2
masriyah25 (unknown) 2
noha_agrab (arabic) 2
_hkh_ (arabic|english) 1
ahmadisalem (unknown) 1
amiramasreya (arabic) 1
english | Distribution of Country
Distribution relative to the corpus
english | Distribution of Publisher
Distribution relative to the corpus
english | Distribution of Main activity
Distribution relative to the corpus
english | Distribution of Website owner
Distribution relative to the corpus