
Main activity, for Egyptian

(main activity)
politics | Connectivity Profile with other main activity
Edges of the corpus related to politics (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
politics | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside politics
that are cited by the most nodes in politics
Node name Inbound edges
FROM politics
http://bbc.co.uk/ 10
http://amnesty.org/ 8
http://www.hrw.org/ 6
http://www.tortureinegypt.net/ 5
http://www.e-socialists.net/ 3
http://cihrs.org/ 2
http://digressing.blogspot.com/ 2
http://al-bab.com/ 1
http://mideastyouth.com/ 1
http://reflections-of-a-nomad.blogspot.com/ 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside politics
that cite the most nodes in politics
Node name Outbound edges
TO politics
http://freedomforegyptians.blogspot.com/ 6
http://egiptebarricada.blogspot.com/ 5
http://tahyyes.blogspot.com/ 5
http://abdoubasha.blogspot.com/ 5
http://al-bab.com/ 4
http://digressing.blogspot.com/ 4
http://mideastyouth.com/ 3
http://salamanderina.net/ 3
http://www.tortureinegypt.net/ 2
http://www.hrw.org/ 2
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside politics
that are cited by the most nodes in other main activity
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other main activity
http://bbc.co.uk/ 49
http://www.hrw.org/ 22
http://amnesty.org/ 19
http://tahyyes.blogspot.com/ 14
http://www.e-socialists.net/ 13
http://www.tortureinegypt.net/ 12
http://waelk.net/ 10
http://mideastyouth.com/ 6
http://www.taghyeer.net/ 6
http://al-bab.com/ 4
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside politics
that cite the most nodes in other main activity
Node name Outbound edges
TO other main activity
http://al-bab.com/ 20
http://tahyyes.blogspot.com/ 16
http://abdoubasha.blogspot.com/ 16
http://egiptebarricada.blogspot.com/ 15
http://freedomforegyptians.blogspot.com/ 12
http://mideastyouth.com/ 11
http://reflections-of-a-nomad.blogspot.com/ 11
http://digressing.blogspot.com/ 8
http://www.tortureinegypt.net/ 6
http://salamanderina.net/ 6
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside politics
that are cited by the most nodes in politics
Node name Inbound edges
FROM politics
http://aljazeera.net/ (media) 11
http://guardian.co.uk/world (media) 9
http://www.almasryalyoum.com/ (media) 9
http://reuters.com/ (media) 8
http://egyptianchronicles.blogspot.com/ (media) 7
http://nytimes.com/ (media) 7
http://www.arabist.net/ (media) 7
http://globalvoicesonline.org/ (media) 7
http://www.cnn.com/ (media) 6
http://washingtonpost.com/ (media) 5
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside politics
that cite the most nodes in politics
Node name Outbound edges
TO politics
http://egyptioneng.blogspot.com/ (engineering) 7
http://egytimes.org/ (sciences) 7
http://kelmeteen.blogspot.com/ (IT) 7
http://www.arabawy.org/ (media) 7
http://www.freekareem.org/ (media) 6
http://gaberism.net/ (art) 6
http://al-karma.blogspot.com/ (enterprise) 6
http://inanities.org/ (education) 6
http://guardian.co.uk/world (media) 5
http://angryarab.blogspot.com/ (education) 5
politics | Distribution of Twitter account
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of diaspora
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of "right2vote" reference
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of publisher
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of category
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of country
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of geographical area
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of cyberdissidents.org
Distribution relative to the corpus
politics | Distribution of starting corpus
Distribution relative to the corpus