French Lebanese

Origin, for Lebanese

French Lebanese
French Lebanese | Connectivity Profile with other origin
Edges of the corpus related to French Lebanese (and densities)

Distribution of inbound and outbound edges (and densities)
NB: Density of edges = Actual edges / Possible edges
French Lebanese | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside French Lebanese
that are cited by the most nodes in French Lebanese
Node name Inbound edges
FROM French Lebanese
NotreDameduLiban Paris 2
Mvt frLib SOLIDA 1
Diaspora libanaise overseas 1
Rassemblement jeunesse lib 1
Campus France Liban 1
Centre Nassim 1
Centre Lib droits Humains 1
Lebanese Abroad 1
Entraide Mission Amities 1
Elie AboudDeputeHerault 1
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside French Lebanese
that cite the most nodes in French Lebanese
Node name Outbound edges
TO French Lebanese
BeyrouthsurSeine Groupement interpro frlib 4
Mvt frLib SOLIDA 2
Rassemblement jeunesse lib 2
Asso des universitaires libFr 1
Centre Lib droits Humains 1
Maison St Charbel 1
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside French Lebanese
that are cited by the most nodes in other origin
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other origin
NotreDameduLiban Paris 3
Campus France Liban 2
Chambre de commerce frLib 2
Maison St Charbel 2
Mvt frLib SOLIDA 1
Diaspora libanaise overseas 1
Rassemblement jeunesse lib 1
al ghadir 1
Assomédicale FrLib 1
Lebanese Abroad 1
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside French Lebanese
that cite the most nodes in other origin
Node name Outbound edges
TO other origin
BeyrouthsurSeine Groupement interpro frlib 4
Maison St Charbel 3
Campus France Liban 2
Rassemblement jeunesse lib 1
al ghadir 1
FranceLiban Coopération 1
Asso FrMediterranee 1
Asso des universitaires libFr 1
Lebanese Abroad 1
PasseursDesperance 1
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside French Lebanese
that are cited by the most nodes in French Lebanese
Node name Inbound edges
FROM French Lebanese
LibanVision (Lebanese diaspora) 3
Amb de France au Liban (French) 3
Amb LibanFrance (Lebanese) 2
WLCU (Lebanese diaspora) 2
Ministere AffairesEtrangeres et europeen (French) 2
ConsulatRépubliqLib Monaco (Lebanese) 1
LeWebLibFrancophone (Lebanese diaspora) 1
Ya ZahraMawqi almizan (Lebanese) 1
Kobayat (Lebanese) 1
Opus Libani (Lebanese) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside French Lebanese
that cite the most nodes in French Lebanese
Node name Outbound edges
TO French Lebanese
LibanVision (Lebanese diaspora) 7
Kobayat (Lebanese) 2
Leb Can Coordinating council (Canadian Lebanese) 1
LeWebLibFrancophone (Lebanese diaspora) 1
ForumFrancophonedesAffaire (French International) 1
Amb de France au Liban (French) 1
Ya ZahraMawqi almizan (Lebanese) 1
LibLeChouf (Lebanese) 1
French Lebanese | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
French Lebanese | Distribution of type of website
Distribution relative to the corpus
French Lebanese | Tags of activity
Cultural (3) Educational (2) Educational Cultural (2) HumanRights Political (2) Humanitarian Educational (2) Informations (2) CommercialRelations (1) CommunityInformations (1) Cultural Charitable (1) Cultural Political (1) Educational Informations (1) Educationnal (1) HumanRights Humanitarian SocialServices (1) Informations Cultural Diaspora (1) Political (1) Political Diaspora (1) ProfessionalNetwork (1) Religious Catholic Educational (1) Religious Christian Informations (1) Religious Shia Informations (1) Social Cultural (1)
French Lebanese | Distribution of religious orientation
Distribution relative to the corpus
French Lebanese | Distribution of political/religious orientation
French Lebanese | Distribution of number of language
Distribution relative to the corpus
French Lebanese | Distribution of language(s)
Distribution relative to the corpus
French Lebanese | Distribution of Country of Residence
Distribution relative to the corpus