Node name | Inbound edges FROM no |
http://rajan.com/ | 11 |
http://samudrapari.com/ | 9 |
http://sherpakyidug.org/ | 8 |
http://magarusa.org/ | 6 |
http://sajha.com/ | 6 |
http://www.thegurkhamuseum.co.uk/ | 5 |
http://namasteeurope.com/ | 5 |
http://hkmagar.com/ | 5 |
http://murchunga.com/ | 4 |
http://www.gwt.org.uk/ | 4 |
Node name | Outbound edges TO no |
http://magarusa.org/ | 15 |
http://nepalicount.com/ | 15 |
http://fipna.net/ | 7 |
http://thasesajapan.com/ | 7 |
http://soalteemagar.blogspot.com/ | 6 |
http://sherpajapan.org/ | 6 |
http://ayo-gorkhali.org/ | 6 |
http://nnchautari.com/ | 5 |
http://magarsamaj.com/ | 5 |
http://www.6thgurkhas.org/website/ | 4 |
Node name | Inbound edges FROM other reference to the country of origin |
http://www.mofa.gov.np/ | 30 |
http://rajan.com/ | 27 |
http://samudrapari.com/ | 24 |
http://sajha.com/ | 23 |
http://prabasinepali.com/ | 16 |
http://namasteeurope.com/ | 15 |
http://sagarmathatv.us/ | 14 |
http://solidaritykhabar.com/ | 10 |
http://khasskhass.com/ | 10 |
http://americadarpan.com/ | 9 |
Node name | Outbound edges TO other reference to the country of origin |
http://nepalicount.com/ | 33 |
http://tamangfamily.com/ | 17 |
http://parbatps.blogspot.com/ | 14 |
http://newajagaranmancha.blogsome.com/ | 12 |
http://magarusa.org/ | 11 |
http://solidaritykhabar.com/ | 11 |
http://khasskhass.com/ | 10 |
http://yakthungsamaj.com/ | 8 |
http://thasesajapan.com/ | 8 |
http://nepalischool.com/ | 7 |
Node name | Inbound edges FROM no |
http://nepaljapan.com/ (yes) | 24 |
http://dcnepal.com/ (yes) | 16 |
http://hknepal.com/ (yes) | 15 |
http://usnepalonline.com/ (yes) | 13 |
http://nepalipost.com/ (yes) | 12 |
http://nepalbritain.com/ (yes) | 11 |
http://canadanepal.net/ (yes) | 10 |
http://nepalarab.com/ (yes) | 9 |
http://nepalkoreanews.com/ (yes) | 7 |
http://nrn.org.np/ (yes) | 7 |
Node name | Outbound edges TO no |
http://usnepalonline.com/ (yes) | 23 |
http://www.nepembassy.org.uk/ (yes) | 15 |
http://nepaleseabroad.com/ (yes) | 14 |
http://ghale-raj.jimdo.com/ (yes) | 9 |
http://nepalarab.com/ (yes) | 8 |
http://www.nepalnzfs.org.nz/ (yes) | 8 |
http://nepalkoreanews.com/ (yes) | 8 |
http://brusselnepal.com/ (yes) | 8 |
http://janajatijapan.org/ (yes) | 7 |
http://nepalipost.com/ (yes) | 7 |