Node name | Inbound edges FROM secularism |
coalition against genocide | 6 |
south asia citizens web | 6 |
stop funding hate | 5 |
plural india | 3 |
coalition against communalism | 3 |
communalism watch | 3 |
centre for the study of society and secularism (csss) | 2 |
rakesh sharma | 2 |
act now for harmony and democracy (anhad) | 2 |
citizens for peace | 2 |
Node name | Outbound edges TO secularism |
communalism watch | 7 |
coalition against communalism | 6 |
stop funding hate | 4 |
the hindutva movement | 4 |
association for communal harmony in asia (acha) | 4 |
plural india | 3 |
citizens for peace | 2 |
south asia citizens web | 2 |
international south asia forum (insaf) | 2 |
south asian leftists dialoguing with religion (saldwr) | 1 |
Node name | Inbound edges FROM other activity |
pass the roti on the left hand side|beta! | 12 |
stop funding hate | 9 |
south asia citizens web | 8 |
coalition against genocide | 7 |
pickled politics | 7 |
international south asia forum (insaf) | 7 |
communalism watch | 5 |
rakesh sharma | 2 |
coalition against communalism | 2 |
citizens for peace | 2 |
Node name | Outbound edges TO other activity |
stop funding hate | 11 |
association for communal harmony in asia (acha) | 11 |
coalition against communalism | 7 |
pickled politics | 6 |
pass the roti on the left hand side|beta! | 4 |
the hindutva movement | 3 |
non-resident indians for a secular and harmonious india (nrisahi) | 2 |
communalism watch | 2 |
south asian leftists dialoguing with religion (saldwr) | 1 |
rakesh sharma | 1 |
Node name | Inbound edges FROM secularism |
counter currents | 8 |
ekta: a south asian progressive network | 6 |
friends of south asia | 5 |
frontline | 3 |
himal - south asian | 3 |
sepia mutiny | 2 |
drishtipat | 2 |
india relief and education fund (iref) | 2 |
people's union for civil liberties (pucl) | 2 |
the south asian | 2 |
Node name | Outbound edges TO secularism |
ekta: a south asian progressive network | 8 |
friends of south asia | 6 |
liberal virus | 5 |
south asian progressive action collective (sapac) | 4 |
south asian magazine for action and reflection (samar) | 4 |
ghadar | 3 |
blogbharti: voices from the indian bloggosphere | 3 |
banglapraxis | 2 |
erezwan: the 3rd world view | 2 |
sepia mutiny | 2 |