artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach

Means of mobilisation, for South Asian Leftist mobilisation

artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
(means of mobilisation)
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Crossings with other means of mobilisation
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Top Nodes
Subgraph Authorities
Nodes inside artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
that are cited by the most nodes in artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
Node name Inbound edges
FROM artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
Subgraph Hubs
Nodes inside artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
that cite the most nodes in artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
Node name Outbound edges
TO artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
Representative Authorities
Nodes inside artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
that are cited by the most nodes in other means of mobilisation
Node name Inbound edges
FROM other means of mobilisation
south asian progressive action collective (sapac) 7
Diffusing Hubs
Nodes inside artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
that cite the most nodes in other means of mobilisation
Node name Outbound edges
TO other means of mobilisation
south asian progressive action collective (sapac) 22
External Attracting Authorities
Nodes outside artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
that are cited by the most nodes in artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
Node name Inbound edges
FROM artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
youth solidarity 1
south asian forum 1
uberdesi 1
south asian philanthropy project 1
sepia mutiny 1
asia pacific forum 1
south asian network for secularism and democracy 1
friends of south asia 1
prerna lal 1
south asian journalism association (saja) 1
External Source Hubs
Nodes outside artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
that cite the most nodes in artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
Node name Outbound edges
TO artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach
south asian forum 1
south asian philanthropy project 1
dc desi summer (dcds) 1
friends of south asia 1
leftist looney lunchbox 1
south asian american leading together 1
south asian magazine for action and reflection (samar) 1
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of publisher type
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Tags of type of website
blog (1) organizational website (1)
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Tags of activity
empowerment (1) pluralism (1) social justice (1)
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of number of languages
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of language(s)
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of country of residence
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of state|region|city
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of reference to the diaspora
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of field of action & mobilisation
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of starting date
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of type (in next|out)
Distribution relative to the corpus
artistic activism + debate + education + inter-community dialogue + media outreach | Distribution of degree of activity
Distribution relative to the corpus